Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Wednesday 10 December 2014

The Fire-Snake

There are 33 runes in the Ar-Kan Rune-Lag system and 33 sections of the Spinal Column, and it seems logical to equate the 33 runes with these 33 sections. All of this, of course, is hypothetical and experimental, and cannot be verified until we meditate upon this to confirm what is being said. The Spinal Column we call Mount Me-Ru which is to us means 'Mount of Measurement of the Galdor' (Me = 'to measure', and Ru = 'to roar' or 'to whisper'). This is an S-shaped column made up as follows -

7 cervical vertebrae (neck)

12 thoracic vertebrae (back)

5 lumbar vertebrae (lower back)

This section makes 24 runes which fit with the Common Germanic Futhark.

The Sacrum - made up of 5 fused bones.

The Coccyx - made up of 4 fused bones.

This section fits perfectly with the 5 extra runes of the English Rune-Row and the last 4 Gral-Runes which finish with Gar. 

The esotericist, Manly P. Hall, mentions that the Sacrum is shaped like the Spades in the pack of playing cards, and equates this with the Ace of Spades. In the most modern packs of cards there are two Jokers added, which is a later addition since originally the Ace of Spades (in much older packs) had The Joker on this card, which is the Beginning and the End - can be used as a One or as an Eleven. Since the sacrum does look something like a 'spade' (which means to draw down) then we could perhaps see the Spinal Column as the Spear of Woden, facing downwards with the head at the Sacrum. It would thus be quite in order to place the runes from top to bottom, starting at the top with Feoh-Ur-Thorn etc. and finishing at the Root Centre with Gar - the Spear of Woden.

The Spinal Column is the Sig-Rune (S) along which moves the Fire-Snake; this lies dormant at the base of the spine, and when awoken moves up the spine until it reaches the top where the Male (Woden) and Female (Freya) are joined in the Sacred Marriage. From thence the Woden Initiate must go beyond this fusion in order that the 'I' is not disintegrated into the One, but individualised and transmuted into the Absolute I - the God-Man. But to do so must first mean a return to the origins which means moving downwards to the source of all things. 

This is a sculpture on a building in New York and represents the Caduceus of Mercury but in a form that is highly symbolic and gives clues to what we mean by the Fire-Snake. The Snake lies at the base of the spine, when awakened moves upwards along the 'energy-channels' around the Spinal Column, and when it reaches the top it becomes an Eagle or Swan, or it sprouts wings and becomes a Winged Coiled Serpent. Awakening this without first moving through the upward spiral of spiritual growth can cause untold problems, and seems to lead to the creation of monstrous beings with power they cannot control. 

In the sculpture we see -

  • A torch-like pillar at the centre, topped by a Pine Cone which obviously represents the Pineal Gland. 
  • This has the wings of a Swan - Sign of the Highest Initiation. This symbolises the purity needed to achieve full and true awakening.
  • Two pillars or torches run beside the central column, representing the energy-channels along which the Kundalini rises.
  • Twin Serpents coil upwards along these columns and the central column (the Spinal Column). 

The same symbolism is contained in The Hooded Man image here drawn by Hamasson, and which is taken from a symbol that I adopted after the Hale-Bopp Comet Initiation back in 1997. This symbolism is also related to the HelgiH Mysteries which were given to me at the time through what I can only call a Sun-Initiation or what is now termed a 'Shamanic Initiation'. It contains two Haegl-Runes (H-H) topped by an Ing-Rune drawn as Twin Wyn-Runes back-to-back (88), the English Ing-Rune symbolic of the Twin Serpents and the Germanic Ing-Rune at the top symbolic of the Pine-Cone.

The Spinal Column is here an Is-Rune, but since it is topped by what we can see in the first figure as a 'pine-cone' but which tops a 'torch' then this can only be the Pine-Torch (Kienspan) which has to be related to the English form of the Ken-Rune - which forms the rune-posture seen in the Heil Salute. As Runebinder has shown (Volkisch Runology) this is an invocation of the Kan-Force - which thus suggests that it is an invocation of the Fire-Snake. The two runes - Ken and Sieg - are actually linked in a subtle way -

  • 'S' is a glyph of a snake, since the snake moves in this shape, and also the sound of some snakes (adder etc.) is a sssss which mimics the shape of the 'S'.
  • Kan is the root of Dra-Kan (dragon) and the rune is of the Fire-Rune and of the Kan-dil Force or Kun-dalini. 
  • The Armanen Hagal-Rune ('Heil') can be found in the English Runes as the Ior-Rune which is a rune of the Serpent. That this is associated with a 'river-fish' should be taken as symbolic and hints at the idea of Fire from Water

The Ing-Rune on The Hooded Man symbol is also a Kaun-Fusion made up of twin Kan-Runes (Ken-Runes); this rune can also be made up of an Ur-Fusion when this one is turned on its side. The Ur-Fusion is symbolic of the sexual act relating to virility and fertility, which are necessary for the survival of any species. 

This is a version of the Ing-Rune, though it is also shown without the upright stave running through the Ing-Diamond. This rune is how the Constellation of Bootes can be seen at certain times of the year - it is the Rune of Ingwe who drives the Waen around the Pole Star or Nail Star. This is also twin Wyn-runes back-to-back, Wyn being the 8th rune of the Futhark. 

The Hagal Rune is the 'snowflake' and in a slight variation can be found in the English Rune-Row as Ior which is seen to mean Iormungand (Ior-mund-gand = Ior-world-wand). This rune is related to the idea of the World-Turner who is Waendal or Mundilfore, and also links to the next rune (Cweorth) which is the Fire-Twirl. 

This version of the Ken-Rune is that of the Kienspan or Pine-Torch which is symbolic of the Fire-Snake and, as it is said in the Old English Rune Poem - 'burns bright where the AEthlingas lie' i.e. in the Round Barrows and Long Barrows scattered across England. We should note that the Glory-Fire burns within  the dwelling of the AEthlinga or Noble-Man, despite some of the translations that suggest otherwise. 

The Ing-Rune has been associated with the Beacon-Fire and Ingwe is associated with Fire; we find the Ken-Rune variant on the Stone of Ing which tells us that the 'Gift of Ing' is Fire. This is verified when we find an old legend associated with Sceaf (a name of Ing) who in one legend has a lighted taper
Sceaf is an archetype similar to that of Hama-Heimdall, a bringer of culture and of fire to mankind at the ending of the Golden Age. Hamasson has pointed out that Agni is Inga reversed. Agni is the God of Fire and the son of Nine Wave Maidens (Muses). Heimdall is associated with Fire and Sound Waves. He is also the Manu of this era, and the 'Son of Man(u)' is Ingwe. 

It is Heimdall who retrieves the Brosingamen Necklace after it is stolen by Loki the Trickster (The Great Liar), and this is the Necklace of Fire owned by Freya - a necklace being symbolic of the female genitalia area, an inverted V or inverted triangle.This, of course, is the area of Kundalini where the Goddess of Fire sleeps. 

In myths from Iran-Persia we find a battle between the Arya and the Turanians, the Turanians trying to steal the Hvarena or 'Glory of Light' which rightfully belongs to the Aryan Nations given to them by Ardvi Sura Anahita who comes from the God of Light - Ahura Mazda. Ardvi Sura Anahita is the Persian equivalent of Freya and the tale is very similar to the stealing of the Brosingamen Necklace (Hvarena - Glory of Light). It is Kau Khusrau, a figure we can equate with the Hamlet/Amlodhi of the North, who regains the stolen Hvarena. He is the Divine Fool or The Hooded Man. Zarathustra-Zoroaster is the Prophet-Leader of the Arya who leads the war against the Turanians, wars that end in the Arya being led westwards and northwards under the guidance of their Race-Soul - Ardvi Sura Anahita or Freya as we know her to be. 

It would seem obvious that we have a dim recollection of the Secret of the Fire-Snake being stolen and the power abused by those who have no right to wield it. Indeed, the legends of Atlantis speak of this abuse of power, and this could be that of the Fire-Snake and the Vril-Force both of which are connected. We have a subtle hint of this in The Thirteenth Warrior where the 'Vendel' awaken the 'Fire-Snake' (symbolically with torches), are led by a Horned Leader, act like low-life animals, and worship a Dark Goddess in a Cave in the Underworld. There may be some mix-up with the Berserkers but the theme holds some interesting ideas.

The Kundalini is a spiralling force, working like a 'screw', which is why it is glyphed by a Coiled Serpent. When awakened it becomes a Winged Coiled Serpent, hence the reason that Woden's Folk uses this as our White Dragon symbol. 

The term Kundalini stems from -

Kund - 'to burn'.

Kunda - 'to coil' 'to turn' 'to spiral'.

Both meanings fit with the Fire-Snake and we should note that the word dragon is made up of dra = 'to turn' to coil' to spiral and gan means 'to generate' and the Germanic form is kan which is the Kan-Rune. 

There is also the meaning -

kundala - 'serpentine' or 'spiralling'

ini - 'small'

There are certain aspects of the Hindu God called Agni that we need to look at now; he is all of the following and more -

  • God of Fire.
  • Messenger of the Gods.
  • Hearth God.
  • The vital Flame of Life or Spark of Life.
  • Cosmic Fire - Cosmic - Spiritual Fire.
  • Solar Fire - Solar - Soul Fire.
  • Friction-Fire - Planetary - Body Fire.  
Some of these points tell us more about the god Ing or Ingwe (Inga) since he is associated with the Beacon Fire and also the Hearth Fire (Inglenook). He is the Fire-in-Water which carries the Flame of Life - the 'sap' in plants and trees. He is thus the Fire-in-the-Blood which carries the Flame of Life within Man. 

Ing is, of course, the Ingvi-Frey of Norse Mythology and the brother of Freya; his symbolism is the Golden Boar whose bristles symbolise the Sun's Rays that bathe the Earth in Light and Warmth (the Sun itself is feminine in Germanic Lore but the rays are masculine when they reach the Earth). The Sun is the Solar Boar and the Boar or Swine (pig) is sacred to the Arya and to the English symbolic of their Divine Ancestor - Ingwe ('Lord Ingwe'). 

All of this symbolism appears on the Sutton Hoo Mask which was found in the burial-ship and mound of the Wulfinga King Raedwald -

  • The Serpent runs over the skull of the mask.
  • The 'Irminsul' making up the nose-piece (ondveg) is either a dragon, eagle or a swan.
  • At the end of the wings are twin boars - the Solar Boar of Ingwe. 
We have here all of the secrets of Kundalini in a mask which some believe was worn within the Cult of Woden -

The Serpent running over the mask, meeting the Eagle at the Third Eye, between the eyebrows.

The Irminsul or ondweg which is the 'Way of the Vital Breath' here being the nose-piece, where the Vital Breath is taken.

The Eagle, Swan or Winged Coiled Serpent which is the Kundalini awakened.

The myth is related in the Myth of Knit Mountain as shown by Brian Bates in 'Wisdom of the Wyrd' and we have added some vital bits in other areas of our work, bits that confirm this idea and also bring further light to the meaning of the myth. The symbolism is found on Yggdrasil with the Serpent (Base), the Eagle (Crown) and the Hawk (Third Eye). 

We should also note that Yggdrasil is called the 'Measuring Tree' which links to the Mount Meru idea that we have shown before. This was also called Su-Me-Ru where Aryan Root * su- means 'to generate', 'to produce' or 'to drive'. 

Aryan Root * su- 'to generate', 'to produce' or 'to drive'.

Aryan Root * me- / *ma 'to measure'.

Aryan Root * ru- 'to sound', 'to roar'.

In the awakening of the Kandil-Force the god Woden and the goddess Freya are the active forces. Woden is the Leader of the Warband (Woden Herian) and Freya is the Veleda who can foretell the outcome of a suggested plan of battle, and herself influence the outcome by her Seidr-Magic. The Veleda serves up a Horn of Mead which gives power on both physical and spiritual level - see the part in Beowulf about Hrothgar and Wealhtheow, and note that the Queen Wealhtheow had the Brosingamen Necklace of Freya. Woden is the Master of Wod and Freya the Mistress of Seidr. This is the mystery of Frey-Freya as both husband-wife and brother-sister - Frey is Ing is Woden. The 'Battle-Swine' is the Boar of Freya and he is the lover of Freya, known as Ottar, thus another name of Frey is Ottar. 

The Horn of Mead served up by the Veleda is linked to the Nectar of the Gods (Amrita-Ambrosia-Soma-Haoma) which is released with the awakened Kundalini and flows downwards through the body. Nectar = Honey = Mead. This is also called The Hidden Man-na which is a spiritual presence or sacred power that is experienced. 

Miguel Serrano talks about the Mystic Wedding - HE/SHE or EL/ELLA - which is the union of Woden and Freya. The key is the Mystic Love from the Heart Centre which radiates around the body - A-Mor - which is also the 'No Death' as Serrano tells us - Immortality. This is experienced in the Crown Centre which is the Seventh Chakra, but there are two above this which goes beyond this stage. 

This stage is made clear in the Chinese Taoist Tradition where the upper Dan Tien (Third Eye) is called The Crystal Palace (which, incidentally, fits with the idea of the Sacred Mountain topped by a crystal). At this centre the Shen (Spirit) is refined into Wu Wei (Emptiness), which is the Void/Black Hole/Black Sun where the Initiate has to 'cross the abyss' (void) in order to reach the next stage, past the Union of Male-Female. From this union arises the Diamond Body which represents the stage in which Immortality is reached - the Sonnenmensch. 

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