Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Ar-Kan Rune-Lag

Saturday 28 November 2015

Rad - Rune of the Kosmic Krist

'Hark! of a matchless vision, would I speak,
Which once I dreamed at midnight, when mankind
At rest were dwelling. Then methought I saw
A wondrous cross extending up on high,
With light encircled, tree of trees most bright
That beacon all was overlaid with gold;
And near the earth stood precious stones ablaze,
While five more sparkled on the shoulder-beam...'

The Dream of the Rood (Old English Text).

This description is hardly that of the 'Jesus Christ' of Jewish origins depicted in the New Testament, for the account starts off with a mystical dream of a 'tree of trees' and the cross itself is described as a 'wondrous cross extending up on high...with light encircled' which describes a Sunwheel. At the time of this work the English obviously took up Christianity but worked it into a form that was not at odds with their True Heathen Faith. 

This tree is described as the 'tree victorious' - the 'Victory-Tree' - and is described as being a thing of beauty and a 'tree of glory', of gold and precious jewels. There is a rather mysterious section which tells us -

'However, through the gold I could perceive
That wretched ones had battled there of old;
For on the right side once it had been bleeding...'

This refers to a concept called 'The Bleeding Tree' and it is clear that the tree is bleeding and at this point does not refer to 'Christ'. Here we should remember that this refers to the Aryan Folk since this is the Aryan Tree which is Yggdrasil or Irminsul. Indeed, we are then told that 'That wood divine then spake these words..' which reinforces the sense that this is the Aryan Tree and that it is the Folk that suffers and bleeds, symbolised by the Bleeding-Tree. The Race is the Krist.

The tree describes how it was cut down to make a Gallows-Tree (Rood) upon which 'The Young Hero, strong and brave, and boldly in the sight of all He mounted the lofty cross, for he would free mankind...'. The 'Young Hero' is here not the dejected and forlorn 'Jesus Christ' of the Judaeo-Christians but the Hero-God, the Young Hero - Ingwe or Krist. Here he comes not to atone for some non-specific 'sins' but 'to free mankind'. 

The Blood of Krist-Ing then flows from His side and mixes with the Blood of the Wolf-Tree (Gallows Tree). There is also here a link with Baldaeg, Son of Woden, since we are told that 'all creation wept'. This is not the only hint that here we are also talking of the Death of Baldaeg since we are told -

'The Warriors left me standing, swathed in blood,
And with sharp arrows wounded sore was I...'

The piercing with arrows reminds us of the Mistletoe Dart fired by Blind Hod at the bequest of Loki the Trickster, the dart that slew Baldaeg the Sun-God. Through the death of the Sun-God or the Aryan Krist the race was exalted above all races as the 'Race of Hope' -

'Lo, then
The Prince of Glory, Guardian of Heaven,
Above all other trees exalted me...'

This is the Glory-Tree on which the Aryan Krist hangs, on which Baldaeg the Sun-God suffers and dies, with the hope of the 'resurrection' - the Resurrection of the Hero. Baldaeg dwells in Odainsacre in Hela's Shining Plains, awaiting the time of his 'resurrection' and the new Golden Age. Unfortunately, due to the wiles of the Evil One (Loki) 'all creation' did not weep, and thus Baldaeg must remain where he is until everything on this Earth weeps in torment, pain and suffering due to the Evil Forces that rule the world today. 

The Rad-Rune is the Rune of the Rood at one level and the glyph itself can be seen as a Pillar (I) with a reversed Sig-Rune, symbolic of the Krist-Baldaeg hanging upon the World Tree or World Pillar. Looking at some of the ideas we get from the Rad-Rune it is possible to actually see the links to the Bleeding-Tree being the Aryan Race.

Our word 'race' stems from the Latin radix which also means 'a root' and this gives us some very interesting concepts. We can see straight away the link between radix and rad so the link between these ideas and the Rad-Rune seem sound. We can safely say that the Rad-Rune represents the Rood-Tree, which itself represents the suffering and torment of the Aryan Race. A race is 'a family, the descendants of a common family'. Woden's Folk has often been referred to as a 'radical' group and this is correct -

'Radical' - 'pertaining to the root or origin' or 'original' (Ur).

The word actually means much more than that, and to find this we need to look back to early editions of English Dictionaries, ones not 'doctored' to suit the needs of the Establishment -

'Radical' - 'reaching to the principles implanted by Nature'.

The Greek term for 'root' is riza from which we get the term rhizome used of roots. But in modern Etymological Dictionaries we can find a very interesting root for the word 'race' -

IE Root *ers- 

IE Root *wrad-

IE Root *wrod-

The IE Root *ers- means 'to set in motion' or 'to be in motion' and this is the same as the old Aryan Root *ar- which means 'movement' or 'set in motion'. There is also an IE Root *res- which means 'race' and from which we get -

Old Norse ras - 'rushing'

Germanic res - 'rushing'

These are actually the roots of the name Irminsul rooted in IR/ER and we are now back to the Aryan Tree. This is also connected to the Root Ar of which the Root Ra is a reflection. We should also note that the term 'Regin' is used in the Norwegian Rune Poem for the Rad-Rune, and this term regin refers originally to the Divine Powers - the Gods. There is a reference to 'Krist shaping the former world' under the Hagal-Rune in the same rune-poem, and this cannot refer to the usual Christian interpretation. 

So here we have the Aryan Krist and the Irminsul connected directly through root-names and through the symbolism of the Rad-Rune. But the rune (as all of them) has its equal and opposite meaning, and this is the Rat-Rune where the 'rat' is symbolic of the parasitic animal that lives off human waste and which has in all eras spread the deadly plague or Black Death. The term 'rat' means 'to leave the falling house' suggesting that this animal is symbolic of an Evil Force that enters the 'house' and which then destroys the 'house' and then 'leaves the falling house' to move on to another 'house' to start the process again. This is interesting in view of the Nine Herbs Charm where Woden is mentioned as the one who can slay the Serpent of Evil which has 'entered the house'. In an esoteric sense the 'house' is the 'soul' which is destroyed from within - Judaeo-Christianity entered the Soul of the Folk and sought to destroy it. 

The Rad-Rune has the alternative name of Rit which refers to the Rita and can be roughly seen as 'Cosmic Order' - the Cosmic Order upheld by the Aryan Folk. The 'suffering' of the Aryan Folk resulted in a total breakdown of the Cosmic Order and the reign of the Forces of Chaos and Darkness. Rit is the reflection of Tir who is the God of Cosmic Order - God of the Balance. 

There is reference to Baldaeg and Blind Hod in Beowulf where Herebald is said to have been slain by arrows; this concept also appears in the death of King Edmund of East Anglia who was slain by the Danes. King Edmund was of the Wuffinga Royal Dynasty but had given up the True Gods for the alien Christian Religion. 

These ideas pertain to the passing era of The Hanged God so to us the Rad-Rune takes up a new, strong and virile meaning again for the Age of Ing. The Old English Rune-Poem aptly compares 'riding' in the 'hall' as being 'soft', thus outlining the 'Armchair Warriors' of our own era, with those who 'ride the long-mile paths', i.e. those who take up the Quest of the Warrior-Knight (Ritter/Ridder) which is the hard path of knocks and struggle - the path where the strongest are those who can get up and fight again. 

One of the things that stands out clear from the myths, legend and folklore of these islands is the emphasis upon the trees - Tree Lore. And this also stands out clearly in the 33 Runes used by the Anglo-Frisians, which contain a number of runes associated with the tree, or something to do with the tree -

Fe - Fir Tree (maybe).

Thorn - Thorn Tree/Blackthorn/Hawthorn.

Rad - The Rood-Tree/Glory-Tree/The 'Terrible Steed' (Sleipnir).

Ken - Pine Cone/Pine Torch.

Haegle - Hawthorn.

Eoh - Yew-Tree.

Peorth - Pear (?).

Elhaz - Tree of Life.

Beorc - Birch Tree.

Ac - Oak Tree.

AEsc - Ash-Tree.

Yr - Yew-Bow.

Ear - Irminsul.

Cweorth - Apple Tree (?).

Some of these are tenuous links and thus put there as ideas rather than fact; others are well known, but the point is that certain runes have strong links to trees. The Bleeding Tree has often been associated with certain Yew-Trees which can be seen to exude red sap (blood). The 1600 year-old Yew Tree in Wilmington, just below the Wilmington Giant (Long Man), has obvious associations with Woden as Waendal. 

It should also be noted that the 'rood-tree' is a 'gallows-tree' and that the term 'rood' and 'rod' refers to a form of measurement. Here we have exactly the same concept as an alternative title of Yggdrasil - Mjotvidhr - which means 'the wood of proper measure'. In the Norse text the phrase used is 'The Glorious Mjotvidhr' echoing the 'Glory-Tree' of the Dream of the Rood. 

In the Age of Ing the 'Hero-God' has stepped down from the Tree of Woe, taken up the Holy Runes, and been transmuted into the Woodland-Warrior Hero-God (Wid-Ar the Avenger), wielding the Flaming Sword and appearing like a Blazing Comet in the Northern Skies. The 'Hanged God', the 'Suffering God', has become the Crowned and Avenging Son of the Sun. The 'Suffering God' has become the Divine Hero who takes up once more the Cosmic Eternal Struggle against the Forces of Darkness and Evil. This is the Resurrection of the Hero-God

The Star of the Morning and the Star of the Evening is the Star of Hope for our Folk. I have shown before how Ingwe is connected to the star Venus because the Vanir (Waens) are connected to Venus. In Revelation we find that 'Jesus Christ' is the 'offspring of David and the bright and Morning Star'; he is the 'offspring of the Morning Star'. He is thus the 'beginning' (Morning Star) and the 'end' (Evening Star) or the first (Morning Star) and the last (Evening Star). Venus, as Miguel Serrano has pointed out, is a double-star. In some old texts Venus is symbolised by the Pentagram and it is thus significant that this symbol appears on the Shield of Parsifal - the Divine Fool. In fact the Wyn-Rune also appears with a five-pointed star as symbolic of Venus, and I am reminded of the other important Graal-Knight - Gawain (Ga-Wyn). 

It is the Morning Star that will give birth to the 'man-child' that will 'rule with a rod of iron', the child that the Evil Forces of the Red Dragon seek to destroy with a new 'flood', but who is taken up by the Aryan Eagle and hidden away from these Evil Forces until the time is set for Him to return as the Last Avatar. This myth is being rewritten in our times - the Myth of the Hero-God who returns - age after age. 

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